Residence Hall Closures

All Susquehanna University residence halls will officially close the day after finals end. Students are expected to vacate their residence hall within 24 hours of their last exam or by the posted residence hall closing time, whichever comes first.

  • All students must checkout of their space by removing all items from their room, cleaning the space and returning their key to a key drop box. Key drop boxes are located outside the Residence Life Office and Campus Safety.
  • Need a short extension? Students needing to stay beyond the posted closing time will be able to request an extension through Housing Self-Service. These deadlines vary based on the term. Students should check their university email regularly for dates, directions and updates from the Residence Life Office.
  • For graduating students and those supporting commencement the residence halls will close the day after commencement.

More Information

Current students can access more information about dates and residential processes on the myNest portal under the ‘Living on Campus’ tile.

myNest Portal

University Breaks

During the academic year, residence halls are only fully closed between the fall and spring semesters. During fall break, Thanksgiving recess and spring break, students can stay on campus, but resources are limited. Approximately two weeks before the break, Residence Life will email all students and request that that they fill out a break form to inform the university of their plans for a break — either to stay on-campus or to leave for the break.

Any time students leave campus, they should make sure their rooms are properly secured. This means that the windows closed, door locked and keep their ID and key with them.

If the heat is on in the building, please leave your heat and fan on a low setting. Do not turn it off completely.

24-Hour Quiet Hours For Finals Week 

24-hour quiet hours begin the last day of classes and extend through finals. Final exams can create higher anxiety levels. Please be considerate of your neighbors. Violations of quiet hours may result in conduct referral and residents may be asked to checkout immediately.

Food & Dining Service 

The last meal of the meal plan is the day the residence halls close.

Room Cleaning 

Rooms, suites and/or apartments must be cleaned prior to departure.

  • Trash must be removed and taken out of the building.
  • All food items must be removed from all university refrigerator units.  When appropriate, the refrigerator units should be defrosted and unplugged. Be sure to leave the doors open. 
  • Clean both the microwave and fridge by wiping down surfaces inside and out.
  • An improper checkout could result in a charge of up to $150. This includes, but is not limited to, failure to clean, return the key(s) for the space to the designated area or vacate the area at the appropriate time.


Susquehanna University partners with Storage Scholars to provide students storage options whether it is for the summer or a full term when a student will be on their GO Long trip.

Food Collection 

Residence Life encourages students to support our campus food pantry. Food can be dropped off at the following locations: 

  • Blough-Weis Library, lower-level next to CD collection 
  • Weber Chapel, main lobby
  • Charles B. Degenstein Campus Center, in the Center for Inclusive Excellence

Summer Housing

Students must fill out the Summer Housing Application through Housing Self-Service. This form is made available mid or late April.

Contact Us

Residence Life

514 University Ave.
Selinsgrove, Pa. 17870

Get Directions


Degenstein Campus Center, lower level

Campus Map

Phone & Email
